Trump at Davos: He cancelled the Agenda of the Globalists and Wokeness Movement officially
Raimund Tittes, the CEO of INVEXTRA.COM, Alumni of the University of Michigan Business School at Ann Arbor, USA.
Quote of Donald Trump:
„I turn down the New Green Deal of the Joe Biden administration. We will drill oil and gas as much as we can to bring down the Inflation and give people the money back they lost under Biden, each household lost aproximatively 50.000 US Dollar. We cut the income tax rates for people and also for businesses. If you are a business company, please come to America and we give you the lowest tax on earth. ... Forthermore, we deregulate the USA, for every new regulation we introduce we cut ten old ones. And we bring back the commonsense in to the administration, that means alo that there will be just man und woman and no gender diversity.“
Investmentfonds.de - What does that mean to the World and its Forum in Davos? Donald Trump cancelled the Globalists Green Deal and Wokeness Agenda at Davos and around the world officially, with his speach at Davos, on 23th of january 2025.
"Congratulation Mr. President Donald Trump, that was a significant speach that changes the world. Your Agenda brings back competion on income and corporate taxes between countries worldwide, that ist good news for lean administrations and lower income taxes for the average working people und businesses. Your Anouncement to drill more oil and gas brings down the oil price worldwide, it turns down energyprice inflation and the prices for goods and services, therefore it gives back the money in to the pocket of people and her families in the US and around the world. Furthermore, the e-cars industry will fly anyway in the next decades because of cheap electric power through the rise of sustainable energy sources and lower energy prices.", said Raimund Tittes, the CEO of INVEXTRA.COM, Alumni of the University of Michigan Business School at Ann Arbor, USA.
© Source: White House USA | Davos 23.01.2025
>> Please watch the full speach of Donald Trump in Davos at 23th of january 2025 here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/A-DSB13ZWtg
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