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Inauguration speech by Donald Trump

Raimund Tittes, the CEO of INVEXTRA.COM, Alumni of the University of Michigan Business School at Ann Arbor, USA. Raimund Tittes, the CEO of INVEXTRA.COM, Alumni of the University of Michigan Business School at Ann Arbor, USA

Reduce inflation, costs and massive overspending

Excerpt from the speech:

"...We will drill for oil and gas. We will make America a manufacturing nation and use the oil we have. We will exploit our energy sources all over the world. We will end the Green Deal. You will be able to buy the car you want. I will tax foreign countries to make our citizens richer. The American Dream will be back.
We will have a government that is efficient and free, with no censorship. We will have free speech in America again. We will never again allow the government to use its power unfairly. We will have law and order in our cities, and we will put an end to gender and racism in public life. We will have a society based on merit, with official state policy that recognises only male and female. We will have a vaccine for the new corona virus, but it will not be compulsory. A new government department that is efficient and free of censorship. We will bring back free speech to America. Never again will the state power be used. We will have fair and equal justice for all. We will bring back law and order to our cities. We will not have gender or racism in public life. We will have a merit-based society. We will have official state policy. We will have only the male and female Covit-19 vaccine. This will show that our citizens will not be part of the experiment. We will defeat America's enemies. In 2027, we will have the strongest military in the world. We measure this by the success in ending wars and never getting into them. My legacy will be "peace maker and unifier". The hostages in Israel will be coming home to their families. America will become the most respected nation. The Gulf of Mexico will become the Gulf of America.
“President McKinley made our country very rich through tariffs … and gave Teddy Roosevelt the money for many of the great things he did, including the Panama Canal, which has foolishly been given to the country of Panama, but the Panama Canal treaty is broken and we are being overcharged. We have been treated very badly from this foolish gift that should have never been made. Panama’s promise to us has been broken. The purpose of our deal and the spirit of our treaty has been totally violated. American ships are being severely overcharged and not treated fairly in any way, shape or form. China is using the Panama Canal, which was not built for that purpose, the threaty is burst. We didn’t give it to China. We gave it to Panama, and we’re taking it back. We act with courage and vitality."
We lead America to new heights of greatness. We are a nation of people who pursue our dreams. The United States will once again consider itself a growing nation, one that increases our wealth, expands our territory, builds our cities, raises our expectations and carries our flag into new and beautiful horizons. And we will pursue our Manifest Destiny into the stars, launching American astronauts to plant the stars and stripes on the planet Mars. We build our future on the planet Mars. Americans are explorers, builders, innovators, entrepreneurs and pioneers. The spirit of the frontier is written into our hearts. We build our future on the planet Mars.
The call of the next great adventure resounds from within our souls.
Our American ancestors turned a small group of colonies on the edge of a vast continent into a mighty republic of the most extraordinary citizens on Earth. No one comes close.
Americans pushed thousands of miles through a rugged land of untamed wilderness. They crossed deserts, scaled mountains, braved untold dangers, won the Wild West, ended slavery, rescued millions from tyranny, lifted billions from poverty, harnessed electricity, split the atom, launched mankind into the heavens, and put the universe of human knowledge into the palm of the human hand. If we work together, there is nothing we cannot do and no dream we cannot achieve.
Many people thought it was impossible for me to stage such a historic political comeback. But as you see today, here I am. The American people have spoken.
I stand before you now as proof that you should never believe that something is impossible to do. In America, the impossible is what we do best.
We have the most. We are the Wild West. We are the best at making the impossible possible. America was built by patriots, farmers and coal miners. They overcame many obstacles. They built great highways and fought communism. We will rebuild the nation as one family under God. I am with you. I fight for you. And we will win like never before. Thank you. We will make America great again, full of compassion and courage. America will be respected again, we will be proud, and we will not fail..."

Screenshot 2025-01-24 at 15-38-44 Swearing-In Ceremony of Donald J. Trump 47th President of the United States - YouTube
© Source: White House USA | Inauguration Donald Trump at 20.01.2025
>> Please watch the full speach of Donald Trump at 20th of january 2025 here:

  • End of the message

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